Saturday 1 October 2011

Maybridge, Muggeridge,Muybridge - Edward, Eadweard (aka Helios) , He had identity issues . . .

Hi, some stuff on Muybridge.

He was a madman. Finis.

Started as a publishers agent and bookseller. Took up photography useing wet collodion (along with whole rest of world). initially landscape but did advertise himself as a portraitist.

Hired by Stanford to look at motion in horses. Invented bunch of equipment, took lots of studies that showed all hooves are off ground momentarily when horses gallop.
Hired by University of Pennsylvania to do more motion studies. Took 100,000+  photos, invented equipment. 

 A phenakistoscope disc by Eadweard Muybridge (1893) 

The zoopraxiscope is an early device for displaying motion pictures. Created by photographic pioneer Eadweard Muybridge in 1879, it may be considered the first movie projector. The zoopraxiscope projected images from rotating glass disks in rapid succession to give the impression of motion. The stop-motion images were initially painted onto the glass, as silhouettes. A second series of discs, made in 1892-94, used outline drawings printed onto the discs photographically, then colored by hand. Some of the animated images are very complex, featuring multiple combinations of sequences of animal and human movement.

Zoopraxiscope disc by Eadweard Muybridge

Muybridge patent model of method and apparatus for photographing objects in motion, March 4, 1879

Motion Studies

Eadweard Muybridge

Movement of the hand, drawing a circle

Eadweard Muybridge

Head-spring, a Flying Pigeon Interfering

Eadweard Muybridge

Descending stairs and turning around

Eadweard Muybridge

Turning around in surprise and running away


Eadweard Muybridge
Wrestling: Graeco-Roman

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